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Rootstocks Part 1: Introduction with Ted DeJong

Rootstocks Part 1: Introduction with Ted DeJong

Dr. Ted DeJong (UC Davis Plant Sciences and UC ANR Cooperative Extension emeritus) discusses the physiology of dwarfing rootstocks and their influence on orchard management. DeJong provides some key considerations for growers when selecting a rootstock for their next orchard.

Thank you to the Almond, Pistachio, Prune, and Walnut Boards of California for their kind donations. Thank you to Muriel Gordon for the music.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of California. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only.  The "University of California" name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service.

Rootstocks Part 1: Introduction with Ted DeJong
DeJong, T.M., L. Milliron, and C. Reyes
Carbon in Soils with Mae Culumber

Carbon in Soils with Mae Culumber

Nitrogen Part 11: N Processes in Soil with Sat Darshan Khalsa

Nitrogen Part 11: N Processes in Soil with Sat Darshan Khalsa