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Using dogs to sense tree diseases with Tim Gottwald

Using dogs to sense tree diseases with Tim Gottwald

Dogs have incredibly sensitive noses and can be used to sniff out a lot of things, and tree diseases are one of them! Tim Gottwald talks about his work using dogs to identify trees infected with Huanglongbing and Plum Pox Virus. Listen to learn more!

visit https://www.sjvtandv.com/ and http://www.sacvalleyorchards.com/events/ to learn about upcoming UCCE extension events.

Thank you to the Almond Board of California, the California Pistachio Research Board, the California Prune Board, and the California Walnut Board for their support. Music by Muriel Gordon.

Management of Summer Weed Grasses with Drew Wolter

Management of Summer Weed Grasses with Drew Wolter

Sequential Herbicide Applications with Brad Hanson

Sequential Herbicide Applications with Brad Hanson