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Sterile Insect Technique update with Houston Wilson

Sterile Insect Technique update with Houston Wilson

Houston Wilson, Professor of Cooperative Extension in entomology with UC Riverside, gives us our semi-yearly update on Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) work in Navel Orangeworm, through work completed in 2024. It’s a long (20 year or so) long road, but may provide an additional tool in the IPM toolbox for controlling navel orangeworm. Listen to find out more!

Come to an upcoming extension meeting!

Sacramento Valley

San Joaquin Valley (scroll to the bottom)

Mention of an agrichemical does not constitute a recommendation, merely the sharing of research findings. Always follow the label. The label is law. Find out more at ipm.ucanr.edu.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of the University of California. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only. The "University of California" name and all forms and abbreviations are the property of its owner and its use does not imply endorsement of or opposition to any specific organization, product, or service.

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Thank you to the Almond, Pistachio, Prune, and Walnut Boards of California for their kind donations. Thank you to Muriel Gordon for the music.

Prune Brownline Disease with Jaime Ott

Prune Brownline Disease with Jaime Ott

Why woodchip size may matter with whole orchard recycling

Why woodchip size may matter with whole orchard recycling