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1 Minute Challenge for March

1 Minute Challenge for March

Almond, walnut, prune, and pistachio orchard tasks presented in a rapid fire, head-to-head competition!

None of the discussion constitutes a recommendation. You can find more pest and disease information (including bee safety precautions) at ipm.ucanr.edu/ and information on efficacy and timing at ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PMG/fungicideefficacytiming.pdf. You can also see a list of March walnut, almond, and prune tasks at sacvalleyorchards.com/blog/almonds-blog/march-orchard-management-considerations/.

Thanks to the Pistachio Board of California and Almond Board of California for their generous financial support. Music by Muriel Gordon.

Irrigation Part 1: Management with David Doll

Irrigation Part 1: Management with David Doll

Spray Application with Lynn Wunderlich

Spray Application with Lynn Wunderlich